2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'universities of art and design'|5th Christmas Tree Exhibition- HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design

About 'universities of art and design'|5th Christmas Tree Exhibition- HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design

From               multi-million               dollar               mountainside               mansions               to               kitschy               corner               condos,               Los               Angeles               has               a               multitude               of               home               styles               to               choose               from,               and               a               prime               pool               of               interior               designers               to               help               decorate               them!

This               does               not               mean               recent               interior               design               graduates               won't               have               plenty               of               opportunities.

Because               LA               is               always               on               the               lookout               for               the               next               big               thing               (in               just               about               every               industry),               the               scene               for               fresh,               young               talent               is               actually               fairly               good.

So,               what               does               this               mean               for               students               that               would               like               to               join               the               California               interior               designers               club?

This               means,               aspiring               California               interior               designers               will               enjoy               one               of               the               highest               average               starting               salaries               in               the               industry               ($48,080               a               year);               above               average               job               growth               (19.5%),               and               more               than               8,000               job               openings               per               year.

So,               what               exactly               does               an               interior               designer               do?

For               starters,               interior               designers               design               and               furnish               the               interiors               of               buildings               such               as               residential               homes,               retail               stores               and               boutiques,               apartments,               museums,               restaurants,               theaters,               hospitals,               and               more.

In               addition               to               designing               the               interiors               of               buildings               from               "scratch,"               Some               interior               designers               make               improvements               to               existing               designs;               assist               an               established               designer               on               various               projects,               or               act               as               consultants.

Interior               designers               may               specialize               in               one               of               three               areas               -               residential,               commercial               or               industrial.
               Most               California               interior               designers               work               full-time,               but               roughly               32%               work               part-time.

25%               are               self-employed.

Believe               it               or               not,               federal,               state,               and               local               government               entities               employ               the               largest               numbers               of               interior               designers.

In               addition,               government               positions               currently               pay               the               highest               average               annual               salary,               $65,590/year.

Management               of               companies               and               enterprises               employs               the               second               largest               number               of               interior               designers,               followed               by               hospitals.
               To               become               an               interior               designer,               you               should               have               knowledge               of               construction               codes,               a               strong               grasp               of               architectural               detailing,               and               an               understanding               of               home               rehabbing               and               renovating.

You               must               also               be               computer               savvy               and               familiar               with               the               latest               computer               aided               design               software               (CAD).

A               bachelor's               degree               or               higher               in               interior               design               or               related               field               is               preferred               by               employer's,               although               associate               degree               holder's               may               qualify               for               a               few               entry               level               positions.

Around               6%               of               all               interior               designers               hold               a               master's               degree,               29.1%               have               a               bachelor's               degree,               and               18.8%               have               an               associate               degree.
               In               the               state               of               California,               the               California               College               of               Arts               (CCA)               has               a               top-notch               interior               design               program               as               well               as               the               Art               Institute               of               California,               and               the               Fashion               Institute               of               Design               &               Merchandising               (FIDM).

Many               traditional               colleges               and               universities               offer               a               Bachelor               of               Art               degree               with               a               concentration               in               interior               design.
               In               addition               to               a               degree               in               interior               design,               California               interior               designers               must               become               certified               to               use               the               title               "certified               interior               designer."               Most               California               businesses               or               individuals               will               not               hire               an               interior               designer               that               is               not               certified.

There               are               several               reasons               for               this.

Certified               California               interior               designers               have               met               certain               education,               experience               and               examination               requirements               and               they               have               been               certified               by               the               California               Council               for               Interior               Design               Certification               (CCIDC).

The               CCIDC               administers               the               Certified               Interior               Designers               Law               under               Chapter               3.9,               Sect.5800               of               the               California               Business               and               Professions               Code.

Certification               by               CCIDC               is               the               highest               standard               of               professionalism               for               interior               designers               in               the               State               of               California.
               For               more               information               about               Los               Angeles,               CA               interior               designers               or               interior               design               careers               in               general,               please               visit:
               College               Degree               Report               -               Interior               Designers               -               Career,               Salary               &               Employment               Info
               The               California               Council               for               Interior               Design               Certification               -               http://www.ccidc.org/index.html
               The               U.S               Department               of               Labor               Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics               -               http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos293.htm
               College               Degree               Report               -               Interior               Designer               Careers:               Employment               &               Salary               Trends               for               Aspiring               Interior               Designers
               National               Association               of               Schools               of               Art               and               Design               (NASAD)               -               http://nasad.arts-accredit.org/

Image of universities of art and design

universities of art and design
universities of art and design

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universities of art and design

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universities of art and design

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universities of art and design

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universities of art and design

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    Will               you               be               traveling               to               Amsterdam,               Netherlands               anytime               soon?

    If               so,               it               is               likely               that               you               plan               on               at               least               doing               a               few               tourist               activities               while               you               are               there.

    I               know               that               often               times               vacations               can               get               hectic               and               sometimes               slightly               boring               after               you've               spent               long               days               after               days               carting               around               your               touring               group               to               one               attraction               after               another.

    But               as               is               usually               the               case               in               most               cities               or               towns               anywhere,               some               of               these               attractions               should               not               be               missed.

    And               in               Amsterdam,               those               are               the               museums.

    From               the               museum               on               Cannabis               culture               to               the               Rembrandt               museum,               Amsterdam               is               known               throughout               the               world               for               its               extraordinary               art               and               informational               exhibitions               of               all               sorts.

    From               conservative,               traditional               to               all               out               bizarre,               Amsterdam               has               the               best               of               them.

    But               where               do               you               find               out               about               museums               in               Amsterdam,               Netherlands?

    How               do               you               know               which               Amsterdam               museums               are               worth               it?

    Well,               many               of               the               classic,               tourist-trap               type,               if               you               will,               Amsterdam               museums               will               be               listed               on               a               city               map               or               in               any               major               tour               book.

    You               might               even               find               out               about               some               from               your               local               AAA               office,               or               other               travel               agent.

    But               as               for               the               rather               odd               ones,               the               ones               that               are               a               bit               harder               to               find               and               even               more               fun               to               talk               about               back               home;               here               is               a               brief               list               and               description.

    The               following               are               six               Amsterdam               Museums               that               cross               over               the               line               of               ordinary.

    Hopefully               you               will               enjoy               them.

                   The               giant               four               story               NEMO               science               center               is               one               Amsterdam               museum               attraction               that               many               tourists               might               easily               miss.

    Despite               its               huge               presence               right               on               the               water               near               the               city's               Centraal               Station,               this               Mecca               of               experiments               and               knowledge               is               sort               of               tucked               away               and               requires               a               little               walk               off               into               the               distance               of               seemingly               nowhere               to               get               to.

    It               is               not               hard               to               miss               though,               for               the               science               museum               is               marked               by               its               architecture;               the               building               design               consists               externally               of               a               massive               ship               from               an               aerial               view               that               appears               as               though               it               has               landed               halfway               in               the               water.

    Once               inside               the               structure,               nobody               would               ever               notice               this               look,               and               sadly               it               is               raised               so               much               above               ground               that               depending               on               which               way               one               enters               the               museum,               it               could               be               easy               to               miss               completely.

    But               the               NEMO               center,               the               largest               science               museum               in               the               Netherlands               has               plenty               of               character               inside               as               well.

    Families               with               children,               couples,               even               grandparents               of               any               age               can               enjoy               this               world               of               fun,               hands               on               learning               tools.

    From               the               life-size               bubble               maker               to               the               music               machine               media-type               area               to               an               exhibit               that               allows               you               to               climb               on               the               ceiling,               NEMO               has               something               for               every               type               and               level               of               learner.

    The               top               floor               also               allows               one               to               view               the               entire               capital               city               of               the               Netherlands,               Amsterdam.

    Email:               info@e-NEMO.nl               Telephone:               00-31-20-531               32               33               Website:               www.e-nemo.nl
                   This               Amsterdam               museum               is               pretty               much               what               the               name               implies;               it               is               a               museum               all               about               tropical               locations.

    And               I               do               mean               all               about.

    With               permanent               exhibits               on               the               regions               of               Southeast               Asia,               Oceania,               Western               Asia,               North               Africa,               Africa,               Latin               America               and               subjects               such               as               Man               and               Environment               and               Music,               Dance               and               Theater,               the               Tropenmuseum               is               the               perfect               place               to               find               extensive               information               about               non-western               cultures               of               the               world.

    With               artwork               and               exhibition               material               consisting               of               anything               from               Photography               to               found               objects               to               work               by               native               to               tropical               area               painters,               this               venue               allows               for               acquiring               new               knowledge               in               a               fun,               lighthearted               way.

    The               museum               is               renowned               worldwide               for               its               unequivical               ability               to               send               its               visitors               right               into               the               heart               of               their               featured               tropical               locales               by               magnificent               displays               that               look,               sound,               feel               and               even               smell               and               taste               as               if               they               were               experiencing               the               setting               firsthand.

    Even               better               is               the               little               dining               area               they               have               set               up               specifically               to               satisfy               your               thirst               and               hunger               with               all               kinds               of               unique               culinary               creations               from               these               tropical               regions.

    Note               that               while               the               Tropecmuseum               is               enjoyable               for               all               ages,               including               youngsters,               the               children's               exhibits               are               primarily               set               up               for               Dutch               speaking               kiddies.


    020-568               8200.

    Website               www.tropenmuseum.com
                   Brilmuseum               -               Amsterdam               Museum               of               Glasses
                   Yes,               believe               it               or               not               this               four               story               historic               home               (dating               back               to               1620)               belongs               to               a               most               interesting,               yet               likely               a               tad               bit               peculiar               family               of               a               3rd               generation               optician               who               set               out               to               not               only               educate               the               world               on               the               elaborate               history               of               spectacle               invention,               development               and               evolution               throughout               the               years,               but               also               to               house               the               worlds               largest               and               most               unique               arrangement               of               all               types               of               spectacles.

    It               has               been               about               a               thirty-five               year               venture,               but               what               has               resulted               is               a               quite               extraordinary               collection               of               you-name-it               types               of               spectacles;               from               tacky               to               classy               to               chic               to               mod               style,               to               nerd               to               librarian,               to               your               stereotypcial               four               eyed               geeky               four               eyes               before               they               started               to               become               fashionable,               every               kind               imaginable               is               displayed               in               this               museum.

    And               while               the               tour               itself               is               slightly               long,               the               fact               that               such               an               oddball               place               like               the               Spectacles               Museum               exists               is               reason               enough               to               check               it               out.

    And               really,               even               if               you               arent               exactly               a               spectacles               connoiesseur,               this               unique               array               of               glasses               will               blow               your               mind.

    And               even               if               you               decide               the               ticket               price               is               too               high               for               a               long               histroy               on               glasses,               you               should               at               least               take               a               little               detour               to               the               quiet               street               of               Gasthuismolensteeg               (number               7),               tucked               away               off               of               Singel               toward               Centraal               Station               and               check               out               the               spectacle               museum               gift               shop.

    Featuring               spectacles               from               historical               figures               and               one               of               a               kind               designs               from               masters               in               the               art               of               spectacles,               you               may               just               discover               a               hidden               fetish               for               spectacle               accessories.

    But               check               your               bank               account               before               entering.

    You               might               not               be               able               to               buy               just               one               and               they               certainly               are               pricey.

    Brilmuseum               is               located               in               the               Rembrandtplein               Tel.

    421               24               14               contact:               brilmuseum.brillenwinkel@worldmail.nl               Website:www.brilmuseumamsterdam.nl
                   The               Torture               Museum
                   The               Torture               Museum,               located               also               off               of               Singel               is               not               really               what               you               would               expect.

    Though               the               self               directed               tour               requires               a               walk               through               dark               and               musty               narrow               hallways               filled               with               some               serious               middle               aged               torture               equipment,               it's               not               exactly               spooky               and               it               doesn't               really               succeed               in               putting               you               back               in               the               time               period               confronted               with               an               unwanted               execution.

    Which,               depending               on               how               you               look               at               it               could               be               a               good               or               bad               thing.

    Perhaps               to               have               done               up               the               museum               so               much               as               to               put               the               visitors               in               the               torture               seat               more               or               less,               might               have               been               just               a               little               too               controversial               or               distrubing               even               for               an               Amsterdam               museum.

    But               the               way               the               museum               is               now,               feels               simply               like               an               average               museum,               where               one               strolls               through,               pauses               to               view               exhibits,               reads               a               bit               about               them               on               the               wall               and               then               moves               on.

    And               though,               people               might               often               be               seeking               to               really               get               face               to               face               with               the               evil               and               fear               that               comes               along               with               torturous               deeds,               it               seems               almost               that               by               keeping               the               atmosphere               sort               of               neutral               and               objective,               the               designers               did               an               ideal               job               of               showing               the               carelessness               and               normalcy               with               which               the               torturers               sadistically               tantalized               their               victims.

    So               even               though               it               wasnt               what               most               would               expect               with               a               name               like               Torture               Museum,               it               was               certainly               a               fascinating               historical               learning               experience               that               additionally               would               be               very               likely               thrilling               and               even               maybe               erotic               to               those               who               enjoy               this               type               of               role               playing               in               daily               life.

    Contact:               info@torturemuseum.com               
                   The               Amsterdam               Sex               Museum
                   The               Sex               Museum,               known               as               the               Venustempel               is               not               only               the               very               first               and               oldest               sex               museum               in               the               world               but               also               one               of               the               most               successful.

    This               Amsterdam               museum               features               historical               up               to               modern               artwork               featuring               all               forms               of               sex,               from               the               sensual               and               more               love               infused               aspect,               to               traditional               pornography,               to               exhibits,               displays               and               paintings               of               hardcore               sexual               activity.

    If               you               are               going               to               the               sex               museum               in               search               of               a               giggle               or               perhaps               for               the               shock               value               that               the               title               of               the               place               might               imply,               you               may               be               slightly               disappointed.

    While               this               museum               is               fun,               it               isn't               exactly               raunchy               or               so               offensive               that               you'd               want               to               tell               stories               about               it               back               home               for               years               to               come.

    It's               actually               much               more               sophisticated               than               that.

    It               seems               that               the               museums               goal               is               to               celebrate               the               beauty               and               magnificence               of               the               sexual               art               and               if               that               is               true,               they               do               an               amazing               job.

    If               you               are               interested               in               a               more               novelty,               crazy,               maybe               even               rebellious               for               some,               type               of               sex               display,               you               may               want               to               head               over               to               the               Erotic               Museum,               as               described               below.

    Info               for               the               Amsterdam               Sex               Museum               is               as               follows:               Location:               Damrak               18               2012               LH               Amsterdam               tel:               +31               (0)               20               622               8376               Website:               www.sexmuseumamsterdam.nl
                   The               Erotic               Museum
                   While               the               Sex               Museum               is               rather               conservative,               the               Erotic               Museum               has               seemingly               no               limits.

    With               five               floors               of               crazy,               flashy,               artistic               sculptures,               paintings,               cartoons               and               even               some               interactive               (yet               clean!)               exhibits,               this               Amsterdam               museum               takes               you               into               the               world               of               hardcore               pornography               and               bizarre               fetishes.

    The               displays               here               are               certainly               still               quality               enough               to               be               considered               artistic               and               maybe               sensual               (ok-some)               to               a               degree,               but               it               is               more               like               a               novelty               museum.

    While               the               Venustempel               seems               to               celebrate               the               softness               and               beauty               of               sex               in               its               various               forms,               the               Erotic               Museum               seems               to               want               to               celebrate               the               fun,               excitement               and               spontaneity               of               the               act               and               hobby,               or               for               many               in               this               Red               Light               District               Erotic               Museum               location,               the               occupation.

    There               are               displays               of               such               overt               sexual               fetishes               like               manneiquins               with               fruit               shoved               into               their               orifices,               one               area               that               makes               light               of               the               red               light               prostitutes               as               it               encourages               visitors               to               stand               in               their               makeshift               red               lit               window.

    And               for               the               big               kicker,               if               you               take               the               time               to               notice               while               ascending               up               to               the               top               floor,               is               a               lovely               little               busty               mannequin               squatting               above               you               and               urinating               on               something               like               the               glass               right               above               your               head.

    Dont               expect               to               be               super               turned               on               by               this               museum,               but               it               is               a               great               laugh               and               something               worth               going               to               just               because               you               might               never               see               anything               like               it               again.

    Located               at               OZ.

    Achterburgwal               54.

    Red               Light               District.

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    If               you               live               in               Colorado               Springs,               then               you               probably               have               heard               of               Uncle               Wilbur's               Fountain,               located               in               downtown               area,               in               Acacia               Park.

    If               you               haven't,               you               are               missing               a               treat.

    If               you               have               plans               to               visit               Colorado               Springs,               make               it               a               part               of               your               plan               to               stop               for               a               refreshing,               entertaining               surprise.

    The               fountain               made               it's               debut               on               the               Southwest               corner               of               Acacia               Park               in               2001.

    Since               it's               opening,               it               has               provided               wonderful               entertainment               for               both               kids               and               adults               from               across               the               country.

    Just               the               site               of               the               huge               ball               begs               further               investigation.

    With               52               pop               up               jets               on               the               floor               and               over               200               widely               unpredictable               streams               of               water               coming               from               everywhere,               fiber               optic               lights               of               all               colors               and               the               wonderful               music               that               Uncle               Wilber               plays,               the               fountain               is               delightful.
                   If               all               of               that               were               not               enough               to               bring               you               to               the               fountain,               it               is               a               must               see               to               be               close               to               the               dome               at               the               half               hour               marker.

    The               sky               blue               dome               starts               to               rise               and               Uncle               Wilber               comes               to               life.

    With               his               pet               monkey               "Spot"               spinning               around               and               a               waterfall               cascading               from               the               half               ball               shaped               dome,               Uncle               Wilber               appears               with               his               tuba               to               give               several               rousing               scores               to               the               waiting               crowd.

                   The               squeals               of               delight               from               the               children,               when               the               dome               starts               to               rise,               echo               through               the               park.

    If               you               are               willing               to               plunge               beneath               the               ice               cold               Springs               waterfall,               you               can               get               the               answer               to               the               "water-themed"               riddle               beneath               the               dome.
                   Uncle               Wilber's               Fountain               was               the               vision               of               Kat               and               Bob               Tudor,               owners               of               Smokebrush               Center               for               Arts               and               Theater               in               Colorado               Springs.

    Kat               Tudor               spoke               with               me               about               her               feelings               in               the               planning               stages.

    "We               have               been               a               part               of               Colorado               Springs               and               the               Arts               District               for               many               years.

                   We               felt               we               should               invest               in               the               future               of               Colorado               Springs.

    We               wanted               to               give               something               great               to               this               wonderful               city."
                   Kat               said               they               spent               lots               of               time               planning               and               doing               research.

    After               going               from               one               scenic               waterfall               or               river               to               another,               they               created               the               concept               that               became               "Uncle               Wilber".

    Fun,               fanciful,and               unpredictable               were               the               keywords               to               describe               their               unique               concept.
                   After               deciding               on               several               basics               ideas,               they               wanted               to               include               their               theater               audiences               to               pick               the               final               design.

    Originally               "Plugged               Leak               Fountain"               seemed               to               be               the               winner.

    This               theme               was               several               plumbers               appearing               to               be               frantically               repairing               lots               of               pipes,               that               were               spouting               water               in               all               directions.
                   After               several               trash               cans               of               paper,               the               fountain               was               finally               modified               into               "Uncle               Wilber".

    The               naming               of               the               fountain               came               from               one               of               Colorado               Springs               most               beloved               citizens.

    Wilber               Fulker-Principal               of               Colorado               Springs               Deaf               and               Blind               School,               was               Bob               Tudor's               Uncle               and               he               played               the               tuba.

                   Songs               that               are               played               today               are               songs               that               Bob               had               heard               his               uncle               play               many               times.

    With               his(he               didn't               really               have               one)               pet               monkey               "Spot",               Uncle               Wilber               continues               to               play               and               entertain               through               the               wonderful               imagination               of               the               Tudors.
                   The               Tudor's               retained               their               creative               control               over               the               fountain               and               donated               it               to               the               City               of               Colorado               Springs.

    When               it               was               placed               in               the               park,               they               were               there               to               oversee               every               phase               of               installation.

    Shining               the               beautiful               piece               of               art               was               the               final               hug               before               presenting               it               to               the               public               to               enjoy.
                   Uncle               Wilber               is               a               shining               example               of               Colorado               Springs               "hometown               spirit".

    Any               visit               to               Colorado               Springs,               should               include               this               wonderful               stop.

    During               the               summer,               Acacia               Park               holds               several               concerts               a               week,               during               the               lunch               hour.

    Hot               temperatures,               good               bands               playing               and               Uncle               Wilber               for               intermittent               concerts               equate               to               wonderful               times.

    Take               some               time               to               visit               "Uncle               Wilber".

    It               is               a               fun               time               for               all               ages.
                   Below               is               the               schedule               for               Uncle               Wilber.
                   The               Uncle               Wilber               Fountain               plays               the               end               of               May               through               mid               August.
                   The               fountain               pop-jet               area               
                   will               operate               10:00               a.m.-10:00               p.m.,               daily.
                   Uncle               Wilber               performs               every               30               minutes,               
                   Sundays-Thursdays,               11:00               a.m.-7:00               p.m.

                   and               Fridays               and               Saturdays,               
                   Wilber               plays               11:00               a.m.-9:00               p.m.

                   Access               is               free.

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