2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'universities of art and design'|5th Christmas Tree Exhibition- HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design

About 'universities of art and design'|5th Christmas Tree Exhibition- HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design

From               multi-million               dollar               mountainside               mansions               to               kitschy               corner               condos,               Los               Angeles               has               a               multitude               of               home               styles               to               choose               from,               and               a               prime               pool               of               interior               designers               to               help               decorate               them!

This               does               not               mean               recent               interior               design               graduates               won't               have               plenty               of               opportunities.

Because               LA               is               always               on               the               lookout               for               the               next               big               thing               (in               just               about               every               industry),               the               scene               for               fresh,               young               talent               is               actually               fairly               good.

So,               what               does               this               mean               for               students               that               would               like               to               join               the               California               interior               designers               club?

This               means,               aspiring               California               interior               designers               will               enjoy               one               of               the               highest               average               starting               salaries               in               the               industry               ($48,080               a               year);               above               average               job               growth               (19.5%),               and               more               than               8,000               job               openings               per               year.

So,               what               exactly               does               an               interior               designer               do?

For               starters,               interior               designers               design               and               furnish               the               interiors               of               buildings               such               as               residential               homes,               retail               stores               and               boutiques,               apartments,               museums,               restaurants,               theaters,               hospitals,               and               more.

In               addition               to               designing               the               interiors               of               buildings               from               "scratch,"               Some               interior               designers               make               improvements               to               existing               designs;               assist               an               established               designer               on               various               projects,               or               act               as               consultants.

Interior               designers               may               specialize               in               one               of               three               areas               -               residential,               commercial               or               industrial.
               Most               California               interior               designers               work               full-time,               but               roughly               32%               work               part-time.

25%               are               self-employed.

Believe               it               or               not,               federal,               state,               and               local               government               entities               employ               the               largest               numbers               of               interior               designers.

In               addition,               government               positions               currently               pay               the               highest               average               annual               salary,               $65,590/year.

Management               of               companies               and               enterprises               employs               the               second               largest               number               of               interior               designers,               followed               by               hospitals.
               To               become               an               interior               designer,               you               should               have               knowledge               of               construction               codes,               a               strong               grasp               of               architectural               detailing,               and               an               understanding               of               home               rehabbing               and               renovating.

You               must               also               be               computer               savvy               and               familiar               with               the               latest               computer               aided               design               software               (CAD).

A               bachelor's               degree               or               higher               in               interior               design               or               related               field               is               preferred               by               employer's,               although               associate               degree               holder's               may               qualify               for               a               few               entry               level               positions.

Around               6%               of               all               interior               designers               hold               a               master's               degree,               29.1%               have               a               bachelor's               degree,               and               18.8%               have               an               associate               degree.
               In               the               state               of               California,               the               California               College               of               Arts               (CCA)               has               a               top-notch               interior               design               program               as               well               as               the               Art               Institute               of               California,               and               the               Fashion               Institute               of               Design               &               Merchandising               (FIDM).

Many               traditional               colleges               and               universities               offer               a               Bachelor               of               Art               degree               with               a               concentration               in               interior               design.
               In               addition               to               a               degree               in               interior               design,               California               interior               designers               must               become               certified               to               use               the               title               "certified               interior               designer."               Most               California               businesses               or               individuals               will               not               hire               an               interior               designer               that               is               not               certified.

There               are               several               reasons               for               this.

Certified               California               interior               designers               have               met               certain               education,               experience               and               examination               requirements               and               they               have               been               certified               by               the               California               Council               for               Interior               Design               Certification               (CCIDC).

The               CCIDC               administers               the               Certified               Interior               Designers               Law               under               Chapter               3.9,               Sect.5800               of               the               California               Business               and               Professions               Code.

Certification               by               CCIDC               is               the               highest               standard               of               professionalism               for               interior               designers               in               the               State               of               California.
               For               more               information               about               Los               Angeles,               CA               interior               designers               or               interior               design               careers               in               general,               please               visit:
               College               Degree               Report               -               Interior               Designers               -               Career,               Salary               &               Employment               Info
               The               California               Council               for               Interior               Design               Certification               -               http://www.ccidc.org/index.html
               The               U.S               Department               of               Labor               Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics               -               http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos293.htm
               College               Degree               Report               -               Interior               Designer               Careers:               Employment               &               Salary               Trends               for               Aspiring               Interior               Designers
               National               Association               of               Schools               of               Art               and               Design               (NASAD)               -               http://nasad.arts-accredit.org/

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universities of art and design

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